
My blog mostly covers my professional interests. I am a software executive in Silicon Valley. My background is technical so I am interested in technology, but I am also interested in how customers use technology, the business of technology, and management. Prior to my technology career I was a math geek, so you may find an occasional math problem.

I am CEO of MongoDB. You will find a large portion of my posts relate to my work there: early stage company growth, building teams, the database market, open source software and cloud computing. The closer the topic is to MongoDB ‘s business, the more likely my opinion will be close to the company’s official opinion, but while the two may coincide in many cases, this blog is my personal opinion and you should go to http://www.mongodb.com or http://www.mongodb.org to find official positions on various topics.

Follow me on twitter at @mschireson or email me at max at mongodb dot com (work) or mschireson at gmail dot com (personal).

If you’re interested in learning more about my background, see http://www.linkedin.com/pub/max-schireson/0/191/182

3 comments so far

  1. Julien Bouvier on

    Mr. Schireson,

    I have written an analytical solution to your problem. Since I couldnt find your email, I have posted my solution as a PDF file at:

    Click to access Max%20Schireson%20Algorithm%20by%20Julien%20Bouvier.pdf

    I have used the sum and sum of squares of the integers within the array to find the duplicate and missing values.

    If it is required, I can write a short C# implementation of the analytical solution.

    I am eager to get your feedback and hope that this solution meets all of your requirements.

    Julien Bouvier

  2. Marcus Clyne on

    Just signing up to your blog to hear about future possible teasers/job interviews should you discount my previous entry.

  3. […] on on a post by 10gen’s Max Schireson which in turn built on a post by me, I thought I’d have some fun by playing with and […]

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